How to Treat Liver Disease

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Liver disease is the one illness that is really dangerous and kills. For your information, liver disease is adaptation from hepatitis disease or other disease syndromes. Commonly, any diseases can attack us because of our fault, either from human life style or food consumptions that enter into human body. If people care with their cleanliness and pay attention with foods or dishes that is consumed, it can be minimized disease or illness that will enter into human body. One example is liver disease; it can be caused by many reasons above. If you are the one sufferer of liver disease, it is better for you to do simply treatment for liver disease(pengobatan penyakit liver) that is easy to do.

First step to treat liver disease is consumed fruits and vegetables more. As you know, fruits and vegetables are energy source that contains of mineral, nutrient, magnesium, vitamin, and any other nutrients. Consume fruits routine can fulfill the body requirement of vitamin, like vitamin A,B,C, and D. Fruits that are proper to be consumed by liver disease sufferer is papaya, orange, banana, apple, and mango. Some fruits that are better to be avoided are pineapple, jackfruit, and durian. Those three fruits have certain substance that can be dangerous for heart.

The second tips that can be done to treat the liver disease are consuming the balanced menu or dishes. Consume more carbohydrate, protein, and any other nutrients are really important for body. For example, you may consume fish, egg, wheat bread, red rice, and kinds of beans. Yet, consume those foods or dishes cannot heal the liver disease off hand, you have to pay attention with your life style. It is better for liver disease sufferer to decrease consumption of spicy foods, sour foods, avoid consuming any sauces, and avoid consuming cold water or ice, and greasy foods. For addition, bad habits like smoking and consume alcohol are better to decreased or avoided. That’s all some tips that are better to do to treat the liver disease that attacks your body.

You can find more complete information about treatment for liver disease by visiting

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